About the project and construction of distribution and logistics terminals
The Farmer's Homeland is one of the farming projects that will allow Ukrainians to develop in the agricultural sector in difficult post-war conditions despite enormous difficulties.
This project aims to effectively use all available land plots and direct all resources to grow food to prevent a food crisis in Ukraine.
We will start with the construction of two distribution and logistics terminals as pilot projects, on the basis of which a franchise model of scaling in Ukraine and beyond will be built. One terminal will be built in the Fursovskaya united territorial community, the second in the Veliko Dymerskaya united territorial community. These terminals will be able to fulfill 600 orders twice a week and will serve Kiev. Why franchising model? Because to meet the needs of such products – for example, Kyiv residents – it is necessary to build at least four distribution terminals around Kiev (in different directions).

Farmer's fatherland - construction of logistics terminals
Financing of the project – we will try to implement this project with our own efforts and funds and will attract investments from international donors. So, who wants to invest in this project - we sincerely invite you to cooperate.
You can familiarize yourself with the Farmer's fatherland project on the pages of the TV channels and print media that came to us
How it will work
For the buyer of home products everything looks the same as a purchase in an ordinary online store - the buyer places an order (goods are added to the cart) at gogoliv.com and the buyer receives his order. But for the seller it is like Uber eats - all orders are distributed among registered sellers. Sellers prepare orders and bring them to the distribution terminal, where the orders will be prepared for shipment to buyers.
1 - REGISTRATIONThe owner of a small farm (even his own plot is enough - not necessarily a farm) submits an application for the sale of part of his harvest, after which a "technical" service comes to him to explain the use of a mobile application to which orders will come, preparation of orders. (Weight, packaging, conditions stored Etc.), checking the farm to sanitary requirements, signing a cooperation agreement, photographing products (if it is not on the site) and issuing special packaging for packaging orders.
2 - RECEIVING THE ORDERAll orders of buyers are automatically distributed among the owners of farms depending on the availability of a particular product, and its quantity, and through the installed application notify the owners of the farm about the order and the exact time of delivery to the distribution terminal. When receiving an order message on the mobile application, the owner of the farm must accept the order or refuse within 15 minutes. In case of refusal, the order will be transferred to another farm owner.
3 - PREPARATION OF THE ORDERAfter the owner of the farm has accepted the order, it must be prepared properly - all orders must be weighed and put in the resulting special packaging (paper bags and boxes) and marked with a felt-tip pen according to the instructions on the package. This marking is necessary for sorters who will collect orders directly in the distribution terminal.
4 - TRANSFER OF ORDERAfter preparing orders, they must be brought to the distribution terminal at the specified time upon receipt of the order (this is done in order to avoid congestion and queue), and hand over the prepared orders properly to the administrator. The administrator will weigh each order, stick a special QR code on it, and put them on a special conveyor belt that will send the order to the middle of the distribution terminal for preparation and dispatch to the end customer.
5 - DELIVERY OF THE ORDERAfter the end of receiving orders in the distribution terminal from the owners of farms, all orders will be completed and loaded into small refrigerators and sent to the cities from which orders were made (of course, the owners of the villages adjacent to the city will fulfill orders). But directly address delivery "to the door" will be done by local courier services like "Glovo", taxi - thus, we will be able to deliver such a large number of orders on time.
6 - RECEIVING MONEYWhen ordering from the buyer, a certain amount of funds will be blocked from the card, but it will be withdrawn only after receiving and inspecting the order. If the buyer finds a low-quality product, he will scan the QR code on a low-quality product and there will be no need to pay for it (funds for low-quality goods will automatically be deducted from the total amount, and of course the owner who put the low-quality goods will not receive anything for it). If by the end of the day of delivery the buyer does not scan any goods, then all the goods in the order will be considered of high quality, and the buyer will be charged a certain amount on the order, and during the next day each owner receives funds on the card for the delivered goods, minus 20% for the operation of the distribution terminal.
Financing of the project
As for the financing of the project, we will try to implement this project with our own efforts and funds, nevertheless we will not refuse the help of international investors. So, those who want to invest in this project are sincerely invited to cooperate.

The invested funds will go to the residents of the villages, who will fulfill the orders of citizens - in simple words, having financed now in the construction, we will be able to order useful products and give work to small farms. To build one pilot terminal, you need to collect $ 110,000 - on a national scale, this is a small amount. But for the construction of subsequent distribution terminals throughout the country, a franchising scaling model will be used.
Join the project
You can join this project as an investor or as a farmer. Each investor invests in the future of the project, the farmer will have the opportunity to earn money on his small private farm or farm, and an ordinary customer will be able to buy goods on the gogoliv.com website (it is possible to see the range now, but we will begin to process orders after the construction of two pilot distribution terminals).
Since preparations for construction are underway, there is a possibility of pre-registration of investors who dare to finance the project Farmer's fatherland. To join the project as a future financial donor, fill out the form: specify your name, Phone, E-mail, Investor Status and specify the amount that you can invest in this project.
and customers of products have already joined the project.
After drawing up an estimate of the project and all legal issues, we will inform you, and you will be able to invest in this project. By the way, if you want to join the implementation of the project, write about it by e-mail [email protected] or call +38 (067) 220-12-22, we are always open to cooperation.
This is pre-registration forma for farmers who maintain small private farms. Pre-registration is necessary so that we understand how much food we can deliver to customers (mainly residents of large cities in the country).
Enter your name, Phone and click the «Register» button, after which additional fields will appear to add information about your household, photos and other files (these can be files in any format).
You can add the necessary information yourself, but if you have any difficulties, call us, and we will add the necessary information by phone.